
Diabetes Info: Gestational diabetes monitoring?

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Gestational diabetes monitoring?I am 15 weeks along with baby #2, had gestational diabetes with baby #1 so my OB has me doing fingersticks 2 hours after meals and on a diabetic diet.The interesting thing is my sugar is good upon waking in the AM,but after breakfast is sorta high some days.But anytime afternoon or dinner time,I can eat anything and my sugar is totally within normal range.Anyone else understand this whole thing?
Thanks in advance.
Helpful answer below

-Nicki S
I too have GD and was informed that stress and hormones play a huge role in your sugar levels, even if you eat the same things every day.
I would never profess to to understand my hormones ;-)

Helpful answer below. Diabetes - Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment of Diabetes - DIABETES Blog

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: Gestational diabetes monitoring?

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