Looking for inexpensive diabetes pump accessories!?My two kids, an 11 yr. old girl & an 8 yr. old boy, are both diabetics & insulin pump users & I can't find inexpensive supplies anywhere! I'm looking specifically for pump cases/holders/bags. They wear out so quickly & are so expensive to replace! HELP!
Helpful answer below
-Kate M
try the internet . try all the websites you can think of . also you might want to ask their dr where you can get some good ones . if the dr does not know then chances are his nurse does . good luck and i know it is hard having this . my dad and myself are diabetics but we dont use the pumps . we still use insulin and needles . good luck dear .
What is your price range?
The bags and holders for digital cameras and cell phones often fit.
Talk to your local Pump rep. I used to talk mine out of cases all the time. they are usually really good at that as long as its not medical or super expensive for the company.
Try Ebay. I've gotten some good ones off there.
Try ebay. I have seen pump accessories on there and they are very reasonably priced.
Do a search for "insulin pump accessories". If that doesn't work, type in the name brand of the pump...such as Minimed or whatever.
Orignal From: Looking for inexpensive diabetes pump accessories!?
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