Type 1 diabetes and weight loss.?Has any woman with type 1 diabetes on an insulin pump ever gone on a weight loss plan and have had it be successful? If so, what was your diet and ecercise schedule?
exercise, sorry spelling error!
Helpful answer below
Usually you would change your basal dose for exercising and if your BSL is a little low prior too exercise, eat something. You really need to know what you are doing before messing around with basal doses though. I would hope with a pump you know what you are doing. Diet is all the usual things.
There is a girl on opendiary who has a pump and is trying to lose weight through diet and exercise. She is also trying Symlin. If you go to opendiary.com her username is insulinaddict - she is probably more help than me.
Good luck
I am type1, I follow weight watchers If u eat right and count ur points. u can lose. I like to walk the trac. u have to get ur metabolism where it should be in order to lose. I am allowed to eat 20 points in order for me to keep my metabolisim right I will only eat 18 points, I weight 142 pounds, now I weight 130 and once u learn everything u can learn to maintain ur weight. Its not easy, you ar still hungry, My menu for a basic day is 1 slice toast with peanut butter, at 10am I will have half of banana, at 1:00 I will have a salad and a cup of soup, for dinner I will have meat veg baked potato, use fist portions. I drink iced tea homemade no sugar. inless I go low after dinner, I will not eat anything after 7. I hope this helps. good luck.
I need to know too, i have type 1 diabetes and i need to lose weight, like 20 kilos (44lbs)
I'm type1 with a pump and am currently losing weight. So far I've lost 20 lbs. but it's been slow going but steady. I think weight watchers is a good idea but I've found it's a combination of working with my dr. closely as well as watching my intake, I do a temp basal down to 80% when I go walking so I don't have a low then eat more - that's very frustrating! I think the biggest thing I've learned is that it is the slow, steady progress that really counts. It's not easy but you can do it!!
Orignal From: Type 1 diabetes and weight loss.?
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