what types of food are healthy for someone who has diabetes type one?can i have some specific food please!?!?
Helpful answer below
A type 1 diabetic and eat any kind of food that anyone else eats. So a healthy food would be what anyone else considers a healthy food. Some of my favorites are hummus and pita bread, veggies that are cut up and dipped in salsa and cheese and crackers. Just make sure you watch your carb and fat intake and adjust your insulin as necessary.
Any normal foods, just in moderate portions. Carb counting is the key...sometimes it's hard to gage what the portion sizes are, so it takes some practice. And start getting comfortable with the Nutrition Facts on the back panel of stuff. Count those carbs and give yourself the right amount of insulin (your doc or diabetes educator should have given you an "insulin-to-carb ratio" to help you calculate that.
Proteins; eggs, nuts, cheese, meat. Natural carbs, vegetables, fruit. Here's a site with more info:
Ummm I'm type 1 and I can eat whatever I want as long as I take insulin for it....
-Mr. Peachy®
Anything that grows from the ground or hangs from trees is one heckuva lot safer than anything any man has messed with.
If it's good for a type two like me, you can be assured that it's good for a type one as well.
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