
Diabetes Info: my husband was just diagnosed with diabetes II, he is in complete denial. How do I get him with the program?

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my husband was just diagnosed with diabetes II, he is in complete denial. How do I get him with the program?He is supposed to control his diet but he still eating the same old crap and is also a big meal skipper. Rather than knowing he is predisposed to diabetes because of his familiy history and being african american, he assumes its just something he can't prevent.
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-Miz Lamb
Most likely he will have to be beaten over the head with effects of not following a good food plan and taking care of himself. Most men are this way. Sorry to say that, but it is true!

You can do the most by changing how you eat and only purchase those foods. I recommend the South Beach phase 2 as a very easy plan to follow for meal planning. Good fruits, veggies, meats, things that are good for anyone!

The American Diabetic Assn's idea of a proper diet is just smaller servings of the old Food Pyramid, which doesn't work for most people.

Lead the horse to water by example! You cannot make him drink, but you can set the example by never preparing foods he shouldn't eat.

Being a diabetic myself (although I am type 1), I can understand the denial your husband is going through. I've battled this disease for 18 years, and it is a day to day battle. A good Endocrinologist is key to controlling this horrific disease. A local support group could also open his eyes, and if your town doesn't haven't a support group it would be a good idea to start one (you could contact your local hospital to see if they could offer classes and professional advice; in my town the hospital offers this and holds the meetings there). If he already hasn't been, he needs to be informed about the dangers of uncontrolled diabetes. It can lead to heart disease, blindness, impotence, high blood pressure, amputation of limbs, kidney failure and even death (there are more complications, these are just the ones that are more common). I had an uncle who didn't control his diabetes, and he passed at the age of 35, but I had a great aunt who did control hers, and she recently passed in her late 70's. If the disease is controlled, he can live a normal, healthy life.

You really can't. This is a journey he needs to take, and most of us have taken it. About the best thing you could do is check with your doc's office or local hospital to keep an eye out for diabetes education classes. Sign both of you up and attend together. Sometimes just knowing he's not alone and hearing others' ideas of how they live healthier can boost his motivation. There is also a really good 30-minute TV show called DLife on CNBC on Sunday afternoons that you could record and watch together.

-Kay H
It is his diabetes. Our diabetic educator stressed the fact that men who have bad control develop ED and Viagra, Levitra, etc. will not work. Something for him to think about.

I have diabetes type 1 i'm 12. when i got diabetes 5 years ago i didn't want to eat because i knew i would have to take shots.
I was very upset but you have to tell him that if he doesn't take care of himself he will die because diabetes can mess with you. it could also be when he is learning how to take care of it his blood sugars will be out of control and he wont be himself (that's how i am).

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Orignal From: Diabetes Info
: my husband was just diagnosed with diabetes II, he is in complete denial. How do I get him with the program?

Father could loose leg from painful foot and Diabetes?

These are useful and collceted by hao!

Father could loose leg from painful foot and Diabetes?My father has had Diabetes for a good 20 years and been able to control the sugar. Then he had to have Triple Heart Bypass surgery,about 7 years ago. The Doctors used some of his veins from his legs, and for the last 5 years he has had pain in his legs and feet. Now the Doctors tell him he may loose a leg?
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be supportive alot of people lose legs by same desease let him no youll always love him and be there for him

-wondering in michigan
That's not uncommon. It's a circulation issue. Visit webmd.com for more info. P.S. I'm so sorry to hear this. :-(

diabetes causes poor circulation so its not uncommon for a loss of a leg or foot or toes..i agree with the be supportive

yes, circulation problems often cause diabetics to lose limbs, does this surprise you?

That's too bad I'm sorry for both of you. If it were me I would get other opinions, 2nd and 3rd opinions to see if there was some way to save his leg, sometimes going to a different doctor who has different experience can shed light on a new treatment other doctors are not familiar with. Good luck.

What do you think? Answer below! Diabetes - Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment of Diabetes - DIABETES Blog

Orignal From: Father could loose leg from painful foot and Diabetes?

Parents of diabetics, would you wear this shirt?

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Parents of diabetics, would you wear this shirt?I found a shirt that says "one day, I want to be able to say that my daughter USED to be diabetic." I don't know whether or not to buy it for my mum. I found a store online that sells a lot of great diabetic shirts. Like support stem cell research shirts and sweaters.

BQ: Whats the coolest diabetic shirt you've ever seen? For me it was one that said diabetic ninja, with a little cartoon picture of a ninja with an insulin pump.
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Im not a parent of one Thank God! But I am diabetic and my mom would like it. They sound cute. Now you have me curious because I have never seen any diabetic shirts. I just found a site with some really cute sayings. One is ninjadiabetic. I like does this shirt make me look diabetic and Im not drunk Im diabetic.My diabetic girl is hot is cute too for a female to give to her man. So you could get one of those for yourself and a different one for mum. Then go walk in a diabetic walk for a cure parade together and everyone will love them. Not sure if this is the same site you use or not. Id be interested in knowing.

Stem cell research, yes.

Embryonic stem cell research, no.

Other children should not have to die so that my child has a remote possibility of living.

Catholics believe that life is a sacred gift from God and needs to be treated with all human dignity from the moment of conception to the point of natural death.

For this reason, the destruction of living human embryos to harvest embryonic stem cells is immoral.
• The end never justifies the means
• A moral good can never come from a moral evil

Here are just a few of the common myths about Stem Cell Research:

Myth: Stem cells can only come from embryos.

Truth: Stem cells can be taken from:
• Umbilical cords
• The placenta
• Amniotic fluid
• Adult tissues and organs including bone marrow, fat from liposuction, regions of the nose and even dead bodies up to 20 hours after death

Myth: The Catholic Church is against stem cell research.

Truth: The Catholic Church approves three of the four types of stem cell research:
• Against Embryonic stem cells
• For Embryonic germ cells (from miscarriages)
• For Umbilical cord stem cells
• For Adult stem cells

Myth: Embryonic stem cell research has the greatest promise

Fact: Up to now, no human being has ever been cured of a disease using embryonic stem cells. Adult stem cells, on the other hand, have already cured thousands. There is the example of the use of bone marrow cells from the hipbone to repair scar tissue on the heart after heart attacks. Research using adult cells is 20-30 years ahead of embryonic stem cells and holds greater promise.

Based on the "The Ten Great Myths in the Debate Over Stem Cell Research" by Tadeusz Pacholczyk, Ph.D. http://www.ncbcenter.org/10Myths.pdf

Adult stem cells are currently used for the medical treatment of:
• Anemias
• Cancers (multiple types)
• Child Leukemias
• Cornea Regeneration
• Crohn´s Disease
• Diabetes, Type I
• Heart Disease, Acute & Chronic
• Krabbe Leukodystrophy
• Liver Cirrhosis
• Lupus
• Lymphomas
• Myelomas
• Multiple Sclerosis
• Paralysis
• Osteopetrosis
• Parkinson´s Disease
• Rheumatoid Arthritis
• Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Syndrome
• Sickle Cell Anemia
• Spinal Cord Injury
• Stroke
• Systemic Vasculitis
• and more

For more information, see the National Catholic Bioethics Center's resources on stem cell research: http://www.ncbcenter.org/stemcell.asp

Here is "Instruction Dignitas Personae on Certain Bioethical Questions" that Pope Benedict XVI gave to President Obama: http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_20081208_dignitas-personae_en.html

With love in Christ.

I am diabetic and my mom would like that shirt if a was a girl. But the coolest shirt i have seen had a glucometer with 5.2 and a finger with a dot of blood and it said "Help! I'm bleeding!!!!"

Helpful answer below. Diabetes - Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment of Diabetes - DIABETES Blog

Orignal From: Parents of diabetics, would you wear this shirt?