
Father could loose leg from painful foot and Diabetes?

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Father could loose leg from painful foot and Diabetes?My father has had Diabetes for a good 20 years and been able to control the sugar. Then he had to have Triple Heart Bypass surgery,about 7 years ago. The Doctors used some of his veins from his legs, and for the last 5 years he has had pain in his legs and feet. Now the Doctors tell him he may loose a leg?
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be supportive alot of people lose legs by same desease let him no youll always love him and be there for him

-wondering in michigan
That's not uncommon. It's a circulation issue. Visit webmd.com for more info. P.S. I'm so sorry to hear this. :-(

diabetes causes poor circulation so its not uncommon for a loss of a leg or foot or toes..i agree with the be supportive

yes, circulation problems often cause diabetics to lose limbs, does this surprise you?

That's too bad I'm sorry for both of you. If it were me I would get other opinions, 2nd and 3rd opinions to see if there was some way to save his leg, sometimes going to a different doctor who has different experience can shed light on a new treatment other doctors are not familiar with. Good luck.

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