
What is the best diet to follow if Diabetes runs in your family?

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What is the best diet to follow if Diabetes runs in your family?My grandmother and great grandmother has/had diebetes.. my grandmother controls hers with insulin.... I had Gestational Diabetes with my first pregnancy but not with my second... I know certain genetics skip a generation, but to be on the safe side what diet should i follow and still enjoy flavorful meals?
Helpful answer below

A diet low in fats and low in salt with lots of vegetables is the best diet. Try to stay away from empty carbs and eat mainly whole wheat things like bread and pasta. It is also really important to do regular exercise at least 3-4 times per week of strenous aerobic exercise for 30 minutes.

Another thing to consider is what type of Diabetes runs in your family. If it is type 1, it is more commonly hereditary and not diet associated. If it is type 2, you can affect the outcome more.

well, unless you have diabetes, you don't have to have a special diet. My older sister has type 1 and my dad has type 2. Type 1 hits when you're a child. There's no cure, only insulin shots. Type two usually comes around if you're old or obese. Just control your weight and you should be fine.

-Pearl Wagoner
Keep you weight at a normal area and also there is no diet that cures it but heres some foods that will keep it straight:
Glycemic index is what you need to read up on heres the site:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glycemic_Index. also remember this:Two important M's to consider when managing diabetes are Meals and Motion.
Meals and Motion are important because they're the basic natural controls of blood sugar. When you eat Meals, your blood sugar rises as the food is converted into energy. And when you put your body in Motion, you burn that energy, and lower your blood sugar.
Healthy habits make a difference in how well you manage your diabetes. But you might be surprised just how big a difference even a small change can make.
Vegetables and fruits are considered free foods. They are especially good for nutrition and are strongly recommended by dietitians and nutritionists for their beneficial effects in weight control and other health related issues.
typical food plan for an adult with Type 2 Diabetes would include about 3-4 carbohydrate servings (45-60 grams of carbohydrate) at each meal and 1-2 carbohydrate servings (15-30 grams ) for one snack.

Limiting sweets
Eating often
Being careful about when and how many carbohydrates you eat
Eating lots of whole-grain foods, fruits and vegetables
Eating less fat
Limiting your use of alcohol

-richard t
Sugar if low, protein if high, watch your weight. Monitor carb an fat intake, watch the salt. There are 2 types of diabetes and they are different. Get consultation.

My mom's diabetic and she still cooks regular meals she just watches her carbs. You can be a Diabetic and still enjoy a good meal.

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Orignal From: What is the best diet to follow if Diabetes runs in your family?

1 comment:

  1. I am really satisfied with the answer you provide and it looks really effective. In diabetes condition diet plan is really helpful. With person can control his diabetes.
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