
Probably oldest dog with diabetes getting injection

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Probably oldest dog with diabetes getting injection

History of Sandy Sandy is a Hoverwart-Labrador (mixed race) and is most likely one of the oldest living dogs with disease called diabetes. Sandy was born on 7th August 1998 and is living with our family since the age of 6 weeks. With the age of 5 years the disease got diagnosed and the majority opinion of many veterinaries was that she has a maximum of 2 years left to live on. Two years left to live on but only with a therapy which consists injecting insulin 2 times a day and only diet dog food. Sandy receives 20 iu in the morning and another 15 iu at night. Compared to her body weight of approx. 39 kilograms she is doing absolutely fine with that dose. Today Sandy is 12 years old and she is still doing fine. Of course she isnt as fit as at an early age but still can cope with long walks trough the forest. Sandy becomes a injection with insulin two times a day and thats already routine for her. Furthermore she only receives special dog diet food. This treatment is extremely expensive and anyone who is feeling like spending a couple of cents is very welcome to do so via Paypal: makol.kolb@googlemail.com - We are very thankful about everything.To finance the treatment, I have made investment with oilstructure, which really pays. Everydays withdraw help us much.If you are interested as well, here is the Adresse. oilstructure.com
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Diabetes - Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment of Diabetes - DIABETES Blog

Canine Diabetes to "I'm On a Boat" and "Bad Romance"

Third-year MSU-CVM Students in the Comparative Endocrinology elective designed and performed an entertaining and educational music video about canine diabetes mellitus.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Diabetes - Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment of Diabetes - DIABETES Blog

Orignal From: Probably oldest dog with diabetes getting injection

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