
Does Type 1 Diabetes have a cure?

Hao edited the following:

Does Type 1 Diabetes have a cure?Some of us know Nick Jonas has Diabetes, and his song about theres a cure for Type 1 Diabetes. is that true is there a cure? cause i might get Diabetes and im not fat. im really skinny im 5 foot 3/93.8 pounds and im 12 years old until September 25 i turn 13.

Im just really curious. and if you could, can you list everything you know about Type 1 Diabetes even the type of routine you have to go through to keep yourself from being sick of this.

and can Type 1 Diabetes kill you?
List everything and anything you know.
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i Always confuse both type 1 and 2, but i know that neither kills you unless you stay on your meds. as for a cure i don't think there is as for nick jonas hes just a singer trying to sell records.don't take medical advice from a celebrity!

-John R
To the Best of my Knowledge, there is no Cure for Diabetes. However, Type 1 Diabetes can be Treated with your Diet. If you eat properly you will not need to worry about advancing to Type 2. That is the one that takes Insulin Shots.

-German Shepard
There is no cure for type one, the lyrics are "waiting for a cure".

You can die from complications from diabetes but it only happens after years of not treating it and controlling it.

-Amanda j
Uncontrolled type 1 diabetes can kill you, that said if you control it with regular insulin shots it won't kill you. If you keep a very healthy lifestyle and eat well, exercise you can still have a relatively long life with diabetes. There is no cure for diabetes type 1 yet, but they are working on genetically engineered beta cells for the pancreas that could one day cure it but its a couple years off. Type 1 diabetes usually shows up much younger than 12, so if you don't have it now you can't develop type 1 diabetes. You can only develop type 2 diabetes. A person with type 1 diabetes monitors their blood sugar throughout the day, and injects themselves with insulin before every meal or once in the morning depending on the severity of their condition.

Type 1, insulin dependent is also called juvenile diabetes. Just like any other condition, it can cause death if you do not take care of yourself. There is no cure, although the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation is always looking for a cure. Type 2 is controlled by diet, pills and or shots of insulin. Type 1 is sometimes genetic, and sometimes caused by an autoimmune disorder. Type 2 is usually from being overweight. Watching your weight, not eating a lot of sugar and staying physically active can help you not get diabetes, mainly type 2. It can delay the onset of type 1. Type1 usually affects children from birth to age 20. Type 2 is being seen in younger people, not just middle aged and up, due to unhealthy eating and life styles. Don't worry so much about what you might get, but on how to stay healthy. Causes of death in Type 1 diabetics (and type 2) usually comes from not taking your medications, eating what you should not, and not regulating your blood sugars. Blindness, kidney and heart failure, and high cholesterol are also associated with diabetes.

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